Wednesday, August 27, 2008

What the???

Well, here I am in my nice-ass apartment in Budapest. It's right downtown and it's all you could possibly expect from an apartment in an architecture-centric country. It's probably the nicest place I will ever live in my life. We have quite the charming European courtyard, which looks haunted at night. I can understand why there's an architecture program here; every building is absolutely stunning and intricate, and really old. Still, I have to keep reminding myself that I'm in another country, and not just another district of San Francisco. Our alley is apparently the hot spot for drunken home-stumblers, plus we plan on getting roller blades since an acceptable amount of people here practice the sport with no shame. The flight here was mostly sleepy, courtesy of a dank nug we appropriately found on the kitchen floor on my last morning in the Dank Tank. Coupled with the fact that someone tagged our George Forman grill at our party the night before, and that Cathleen made a mega-pancake filled with bananas and chocolate for breakfast, I had the best last morning possible.

I think I'm still too delusional and jet lagged for this all to hit me, but I'm still stoked to be here. Tomorrow we start classes and all that, and there's still so much to do and I just hope it doesn't cost too much money. Carolina and I are looking into jobs at a hummus bar, where we would most likely have to get paid under the table.

Once I get some camera batteries I'll post some pictures.

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